Sur l'amour de soi - et les cristaux pour l'auto confiance 💖

On self-love - and crystals for self-confidence 💖

Dec 14, 2018Anne Cauduro

I really like to talk about self-love, maybe because it's a difficult subject for me. This subject touches me and fascinates me because it is very extensive.

Taking care of yourself is knowing what makes us feel good, it's getting to let go of our toxic relationships. It's learning to say no, to let our guilt dissolve. It means putting ourselves first, and recognizing our values ​​and qualities. This does not mean that we see ourselves as perfect beings, to whom no change is necessary; quite the contrary.

It is succeeding in seeing ourselves as something in constant transformation, that will always have a way to go. As a woman, I think this topic can be even trickier. We are shown ads every day with women who don't represent us, who have nothing to do with real life. They are ''perfect'', we are not. But who said we should be "perfect"?

At 28, I'm in the middle of the transition to adulthood, from being a girl to being a woman, and it's still not so obvious to me: it's mostly a very irregular journey. I think to see myself as a woman I have to look more refined, be more talented, more successful...always more something. And this is a reflex of our society, we must always be dissatisfied for the system to be perpetual.

Yesterday I realized one thing though: to be a fulfilled woman is to have confidence in who we are in this world. It is recognizing our value with self-love. Because once we value ourselves, no one can undo that. When we recognize our value, we automatically begin to take care of ourselves.

The journey begins in us, for us. We have to let go of our old habits (including our emotional habits) for change to happen. It is a labor of love and benevolence to be done daily so that we can remember the beauty that dwells within us every day.

For this coming year of 2019, I ask you:
will we learn to give ourselves the value we deserve?

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If you are on this path, there are some crystals that can help you work on self-confidence:

Rose Quartz: Stone of unconditional love, It emits gentle, calming vibrations that regulate your emotions and restore your emotional nature after overwhelming events. It attracts long term harmonious relationships by opening your heart chakra.

Célestine: Soft blue stone very suitable for shy people. It calms our emotions and stimulates communication.

Lapis Lazuli: Crystal of a beautiful blue color, Lapis Lazuli brings deep peace and facilitates the expression of our emotions and feelings.

Smoky Quartz: It relieves fear, stress, anger and unspoken resentment, lifts depression and fatigue, and teaches us to let go of what is no longer needed for growth. It also boosts our confidence and eliminates our fears.

Tell me if you are on this path and if you have any favorite stones to help you with self-love!
Lots of love,

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