The color of Smoky Quartz varies from brown to smoky gray or black. It represents our journey inward and the longer and longer nights.
This stone helps clear negative energy from external sources or our own creation. Work with this crystal to become aware of negative thought patterns and to help you develop a more positive mindset.
A stone of protection, the golden and brilliant light of tiger's eye is reminiscent of autumn leaves which sparkle in the sun.
It is a stone that brings luck and security, and can also work to stabilize moods and bring peace, helping your mind to focus on the things that are truly important.
This metallic crystal appears to represent the golden colors of nature and sunlight at this time of year.
It is a stone of the concrete, of rational thought and of the restructuring of the mind. Wearing a Pyrite is an effective way to increase your energy levels and decrease your mental exhaustion, it brings inspiration and motivation, while attracting you abundance and success.
The Moon begins to become more visible at this time of year, and it rules our inner world. This stone will help you connect with your intuitive and psychic nature. Moonstone is traditionally used for new beginnings, and for navigating new phases in our lives, it clears and dispels negativity from all chakras, and provides additional energy and support to balance the physical, emotional and emotional bodies. intellectuals.
Red Jasper is also an excellent stone for this period. A stone of willpower, it is excellent for giving you the energy you need to pursue your passions with determination.
Citrine , a warm, sunny stone that radiates warmth, happiness and abundance, supports the solar plexus, creativity, dynamism and manifestation.
Black Obsidian is also among our favorite stones: it is a dark and temperamental stone, excellent for cleansing. As you turn inward and the days grow shorter, obsidian can help you examine some of the darker aspects of the season.